Thursday, 24 February 2011

Lord Magmathar hates archaeologists!

I've decided to take some ... creative liberties ... with my pre-posted posts. That is to say, I'm going to be editing them to be a bit more bloggy, and leave out some unnecessary details. I did some minor editing to the first post, but this is going to be a bit more comprehensive. This one is going to combine my 20-25 & 25-30 posts.

Upon reaching 25, my /played was 16 hours, 59 minutes, 10 seconds [so 20 to 25 took about six and a half hours]

Initial impressions... This was a lot more challenging than I thought it was going to be, though only 2 deaths total. Also, Archaeology as a druid is kind of weird. I can survey in kitty/travel [and I'm assuming flight once I get it] form but when I go to loot the relic I get shifted out into caster form.

Started off my Arch/gathering in Eastern Kingdoms which turned out to not be so smart. That continent has to cater to essentially three locales for it's initial digsites due to how spread out the undead, human, and dwarf/gnome starter zones are. My choice of zones were initially 2 in Hillsbrad, 1 in Wetlands, and 1 in Redridge. I managed to finish up 3 digsites, before it became obvious that this continent was a bad idea. My locations were Redridge, Hillsbrad, and Duskwood.

Also, just to finish those three digsites, I had to fight through every inch of ground, with the lowest level mob I fought in them being 24 [Being only level 20 myself at the time], and often more than one at a time. I managed to get a full level out of those three sites.

I then switched over to Kalimdor like a good little Hordie. Most of my experience is, as a surprise to no-one, coming from herbing/mining and defending myself so I can get those nodes. I did end up completing two quests at 24 though.

At various digsites in Ashenvale, I was assaulted by Ursangous and Sharptalon, whom when you kill them drop quest-starter items. I turned those quests in for 2535xp [Ursangous] and 2405xp [Sharptalon] respectively. Each of those quests accounted for about 11% [22% total] of level 24.

At this point in this experiment I was pretty much bleeding money, thanks to training all my new skills and selling my herbs/rocks on a separate toon. Overall, I am enjoying myself though. I fully expect to be broke when I go hit town though, thanks to the joys of glyphs and gear upgrades

In between the 20-25 & 25-30 updates, I replied to some comments in the thread about mod suggestions, my self-hatred/insanity, and answered a couple questions. I also posted a mini-update of video footage of this process that I had uploaded to youtube. Due to youtube's time limitations on videos it had to be split into two parts which can be found here and here. Apologies in advance if you live in Germany. While recording it picked up the music stream I was listening to in the background, which caught me by surprise. Content ID matches on some of the songs have led to the videos being blocked in Germany.

Level 30!
Nothing too remarkable about the 25-30 leveling gap, though my death rate increased five-fold. Which is to say that 20-25 I died twice, and I died at least ten times this section. As a bonus these deaths were exclusively from the Stonetalon dig sites. One falling death up near the northern end, and nine deaths from the Grimtotem & alliance guards by the dig site near Malaka'jin.

Level 30 did unlock some new dig sites for me. No longer am I constrained to just Ashenvale, Azshara and Stonetalon Mountains! It gave me at least two more zones to dig in; Desolace and Southern Barrens. The astute viewer of the screen shot below will also notice that the Night Elf relic in progress is the Druid and Priest Statue Set. This is one of the few relics I have yet to complete on my main [/fistshake] and it will be Leeloo's first rare. 


The title for this post was inspired by a comment from Chawa of The Wayward Initiative.

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