I really should be making another Leeloo gathering post today, but I've been playing the head-start of RIFT so the vast majority of my playtime in WoW has only consisted of scanning the auction house in the background while I catch up on my RSS feeds. Or while I make blog posts. And I'm finding that I really do enjoy making blog posts. So today, I'm going to hit up some mods again, while reusing my LUA pun.
This is kind of an all-in-one, as is usually the case with mods that contain "UI" in their names. It's a very nice, minimal [and resolution-independent] package that takes care of pretty much everything. It handles your buff bar, minimap, bags, bars, nameplates, and to a limited extent also works as an LDB broker [like Titan Panel or FuBar] It also comes with a toggle between a dps/tank UI and a healer one, though I've not tried the healer one. This mod, no joke, replaced ten mods I was using previously [SexyMap, FuBar, Bartender, Bagnon, Sunn - Viewport Art, Recount, Tidy Plates, PitBull Unit Frames, SatrinaBuffFrame and TipTac] and uses about as much memory as one of the less mem-hog ones I listed.
This mod is pretty flawless right out of the box, and it's super easy to configure [though you do have to download something additional to do so; that's on the download page linked above as well]. If you do end up using it - or one of the three edits of it [ElvUI, Eclípsé UI, and Hydra UI] - be sure to stop by their forums. Aside from being pretty friendly there, they have a sub-forum for mods that have been built from scratch or have been skinned to mesh with the TukUI look [not the other three, sorry].
My only real gripe with it is the LDB broker portion of it. The way it is set up only allows for a maximum of eight things being displayed, which for me, is pretty limiting, but for others may be more than enough. Even so, I heavily recommend this mod.
Flight Map Enhanced
This mod does a lot of things that makes taking a flight anywhere in the game a lot more convenient. Amongst other things, it adds a list to the side of the map at the flightmaster separating flightpoints by their zone, with each zone collapsable. It shows on your world map any flightpaths you're missing, independently of whether you've fully explored the zone or not [a failing in Blizz having hard-to-see symbols on the new maps], though you have to talk to a flightmaster first for it to get a list of what's missing for that continent [and talk again once you've grabbed some, to refresh it's list]. You can click [or shift-click, alt-click, etc] anywhere on the world map, and not only will it auto-select the closest flightpath to where you clicked as your destination, it will show an icon on your minimap directing you to the closest flightpath to you.
I would love for it to have some optional TomTom support for finding new flightpaths, and directing you to the nearest fp once a destination has been selected, but their absence doesn't hurt the mod at all. And I may end up submitting a ticket or coding in support for it myself. We'll see.
I originally installed this mod for integration with another mod that I not only no longer use, but can't even remember the name of. It puts an arrow on the screen that points to specific coordinates in a zone [it doesn't have to be the one you're in], as well as a range, and it updates as you head towards/away that waypoint. Upon death, it will instantly generate a waypoint to your corpse [or the instance portal if you died in a dungeon]. Despite the fact that I constantly use TomTom, I'm mostly using it via other mods and not by itself. Still, all-around a good mod [es evidenced by my wish for integration with Flight Map Enhanced, above].
Despite the name, this mod handles milling, disenchanting, unlocking and opening of boxes, as well as the titular prospecting. I've only used it for milling so far, but it's amazing for that [way better than Panda, honestly]. It, oddly enough, puts a tiny movable [and collapsible] bar on your screen, that adds buttons that correspond to your herbs [and ores, boxes, and greens too, though as I said, I've not explored that aspect of it yet]. You click the button and presto-change-o you've milled [etc.] that herb [brackets are fun {nested brackets more-so}].
Well, that's it for this dose of addon-related blogging. For the amount that I actually say in these posts, the amount of time it takes to write them is kind of ludicrous. This one took about two hours to put together, though that's pretty much entirely due to the massive amount of linking I did in my rundown of TukUI [seriously, 15 links, not counting the one actually linking to it].
As always [let's pretend I've been saying this from the start {and that I'll remember to say it in the future}], I hope you've enjoyed my writing, or at the very least didn't hate it. And I hope you've found something new and shiny to ease your WoW experience. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an overlord I must abase myself before.
Monday, 28 February 2011
Saturday, 26 February 2011
LUA's Your Daddy (And What Does He Do)?
Like a lot of WoW players, I use addons. I use a lot of addons. According to the Curse updater, I currently have 25 installed [and I'm using a few others from alternate sources, so let's say... 30]. And this is assuming that I count all the multi-piece mods as one [all of the DBM stuff for example]. This is also the fewest amount of mods that I've had installed since I was in a raiding guild and we were still progressing in Molten Core. I constantly install, remove, and modify the addons I have installed. Emphasis on the modify. If I find an addon [or mod; I'm using the terms interchangeably here] that has one feature that I like, and three that, while nice, I'll either never use or are done better by something else I have installed, I'll go into the code and snip it out.
So, I thought it might be nice, from time to time, for me to go through mods that I've tried recently or am currently using indefinitely and give mini-reviews. I'll be avoiding the mods that are usually installed by the average user, whether they should be or not [Omen & GearScore for example]. So let's start things off nice and easy, shall we?
!BugGrabber and BugSack
These two mods are essential to me due to the sheer amount of add-on editing that I do. I've been fooling around with programming for fun for the past ten years or so, coding by hand everything from a javascript to LiteStep to Linux. !BugGrabber does pretty much what you would expect it would do based on the name; it grabs any LUA errors that pop up during gameplay and makes them faff off [unless you call them via the slash command]. BugSack is another mod by the same author that works hand-in-hand with !BugGrabber [it has a hard dependency on it, so you can't run BugSack without !BugGrabber]. What it does is takes all those LUA errors you may or may not have gotten and sets them aside for you to view in full, copy/paste to an outside source, etc. Usually after I've messed around with a mod's code, I'll log in and run around for an hour or two doing dailies and archaeology, and then have a look in the sack to see what - if anything - I need to fix.
_NPCScan and _NPCScan.Overlay
There are other mods that do what these two do - SilverDragon for example - but I personally find these two be easier to work with. _NPCScan, much like !BugGrabber above, does just what you'd think; it scans for NPCs. Specifically BC, Wrath and Cata rares for the achievements [or in the case of the TLPD, a mount]. It also allows you to add custom NPCs to scan for. All you need to know is the mob's ID number. Other information like what continent/zone it's in, helps reduce the memory use by only scanning for it in that area, but it doesn't really use that much to begin with. The separate Overlay mod puts an - surprise, surprise - overly on the map [world, mini or both - your choice] that indicates the mob's patrol path as well as spawn points if you desire to camp it, though that only supports the NPCs that the main mod scans for out of the box.
One gripe that I have with _NPCScan is that it doesn't have a config option within the game that allows you to select which raid marker it will put on the mob once it's found. It will put on the green triangle only, unless, of course you modify some files.
Overall, _NPCScan is a convenient mod to have if you're after those achievements, and the ability to add other mobs to search for improves it's potential greatly. Though the more mobs you add, the more often you have to clear your cache [info on that is on the main addon's website.]
Two additional things for _NPCScan that are of note:
If you desire to change what raid marker this addon applies to found NPCs, it's a really simple edit of one file.
Go into the addon's folder [Your_WoW_Install_Path\Interface\Addons\_NPCScan\] and open _NPCScan.Button.lua with any text editor [I recommend Notepad++, but whatever floats your boat] and search for the text "me.RaidTargetIcon = 4; -- Green triangle" [line 19] and change the 4 to the corresponding number for your preferred icon [The list here will tell you the numbers if you don't already know them]. You can change "Green triangle" too if you so desire, but there's no need; the double dash denotes a comment in the code, it has no real bearing on the final result. Save the file and you're done. [Obviously, unless you know what you're doing, you should leave the rest of the file alone ;p]
If you're like me, you're not content to have it just search for BC, Wrath and Cata rares. You want the mod to look for all rares. Everywhere. Well, that's some time-consuming work - searching for rares, rare elites, finding their ID number, blah blah blah. I know it's time-consuming, because I did it. A couple warnings before I give you a download link though =)
- First of all, you'll have to clear your cache a lot more often if you want to continually scan for the lower level rares.
- Secondly, I know that I'm missing some, so if you find a rare that doesn't trigger the mod, then please tell me the mob's name, as well as what zone you found it in.
- Thirdly, I did leave four mobs out intentionally - the Scarshield Quartermaster and the three beast bosses in the Servant Quarters of Karazhan. If you want to add them yourself, by all means, feel free, but I won't.
- Finally, how to "install" the bloody thing. Install _NPCScan and log into the game with it enabled at least once per character that you want to run it on. Then download my file. Browse to Your_WoW_Install_Path\WTF\Account\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\Your_Server_Name\Character_Name\SavedVariables\ and paste the file there. When asked to, override the original file with mine. You'll have to do that for each character you want this done to.
WARNING: If this messes up your WoW, your computer, your social life, your dog's eating habits, whatever - it shouldn't, but if it does - it is not my fault. Download here.
I think that about does it for this post tonight. This has taken a lot longer to put together than I originally thought it would, and I have some Juicy Bear Burgers just waiting to be nom'ed.
So, I thought it might be nice, from time to time, for me to go through mods that I've tried recently or am currently using indefinitely and give mini-reviews. I'll be avoiding the mods that are usually installed by the average user, whether they should be or not [Omen & GearScore for example]. So let's start things off nice and easy, shall we?
!BugGrabber and BugSack
These two mods are essential to me due to the sheer amount of add-on editing that I do. I've been fooling around with programming for fun for the past ten years or so, coding by hand everything from a javascript to LiteStep to Linux. !BugGrabber does pretty much what you would expect it would do based on the name; it grabs any LUA errors that pop up during gameplay and makes them faff off [unless you call them via the slash command]. BugSack is another mod by the same author that works hand-in-hand with !BugGrabber [it has a hard dependency on it, so you can't run BugSack without !BugGrabber]. What it does is takes all those LUA errors you may or may not have gotten and sets them aside for you to view in full, copy/paste to an outside source, etc. Usually after I've messed around with a mod's code, I'll log in and run around for an hour or two doing dailies and archaeology, and then have a look in the sack to see what - if anything - I need to fix.
_NPCScan and _NPCScan.Overlay
There are other mods that do what these two do - SilverDragon for example - but I personally find these two be easier to work with. _NPCScan, much like !BugGrabber above, does just what you'd think; it scans for NPCs. Specifically BC, Wrath and Cata rares for the achievements [or in the case of the TLPD, a mount]. It also allows you to add custom NPCs to scan for. All you need to know is the mob's ID number. Other information like what continent/zone it's in, helps reduce the memory use by only scanning for it in that area, but it doesn't really use that much to begin with. The separate Overlay mod puts an - surprise, surprise - overly on the map [world, mini or both - your choice] that indicates the mob's patrol path as well as spawn points if you desire to camp it, though that only supports the NPCs that the main mod scans for out of the box.
One gripe that I have with _NPCScan is that it doesn't have a config option within the game that allows you to select which raid marker it will put on the mob once it's found. It will put on the green triangle only, unless, of course you modify some files.
Overall, _NPCScan is a convenient mod to have if you're after those achievements, and the ability to add other mobs to search for improves it's potential greatly. Though the more mobs you add, the more often you have to clear your cache [info on that is on the main addon's website.]
Two additional things for _NPCScan that are of note:
If you desire to change what raid marker this addon applies to found NPCs, it's a really simple edit of one file.
Go into the addon's folder [Your_WoW_Install_Path\Interface\Addons\_NPCScan\] and open _NPCScan.Button.lua with any text editor [I recommend Notepad++, but whatever floats your boat] and search for the text "me.RaidTargetIcon = 4; -- Green triangle" [line 19] and change the 4 to the corresponding number for your preferred icon [The list here will tell you the numbers if you don't already know them]. You can change "Green triangle" too if you so desire, but there's no need; the double dash denotes a comment in the code, it has no real bearing on the final result. Save the file and you're done. [Obviously, unless you know what you're doing, you should leave the rest of the file alone ;p]
If you're like me, you're not content to have it just search for BC, Wrath and Cata rares. You want the mod to look for all rares. Everywhere. Well, that's some time-consuming work - searching for rares, rare elites, finding their ID number, blah blah blah. I know it's time-consuming, because I did it. A couple warnings before I give you a download link though =)
- First of all, you'll have to clear your cache a lot more often if you want to continually scan for the lower level rares.
- Secondly, I know that I'm missing some, so if you find a rare that doesn't trigger the mod, then please tell me the mob's name, as well as what zone you found it in.
- Thirdly, I did leave four mobs out intentionally - the Scarshield Quartermaster and the three beast bosses in the Servant Quarters of Karazhan. If you want to add them yourself, by all means, feel free, but I won't.
- Finally, how to "install" the bloody thing. Install _NPCScan and log into the game with it enabled at least once per character that you want to run it on. Then download my file. Browse to Your_WoW_Install_Path\WTF\Account\YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME\Your_Server_Name\Character_Name\SavedVariables\ and paste the file there. When asked to, override the original file with mine. You'll have to do that for each character you want this done to.
WARNING: If this messes up your WoW, your computer, your social life, your dog's eating habits, whatever - it shouldn't, but if it does - it is not my fault. Download here.
I think that about does it for this post tonight. This has taken a lot longer to put together than I originally thought it would, and I have some Juicy Bear Burgers just waiting to be nom'ed.
Friday, 25 February 2011
Polymorphic Monotony
I originally wasn't going to post this, as [a] it's a mini-rant, and [b] it's something that I've already mentioned too much in guild chat and in our forums. But while I was in the shower I thought of this post's title and, well, I can't let something like that go to waste. So I guess I'll just have to go into more detail.
Before I get started, I should also mention that this is pretty much an "Accentuate the Negative" post. While I am complaining here, I'd like it to be clear that I do like WoW, and druids, and all their capacity for shapeshifting. It's the models that I have some issue with. The models for Travel Form and Aquatic Form, specifically. In and of themselves, they're perfectly cromulent models, and they're incredibly useful spells. But they're bland.
Perhaps they only seem bland because of the semi-recent changes to Cat Form and Bear Forms, and all the variety that they offer, but my point remains. They're bland. Travel Form is the greater offender in this case, since the model for that spell is actually a placeholder. Travel Form was originally going to be a stag, but they put in the cheetah model we know and love [and we do love it] as a placeholder in beta to be changed later. It's been three expansions. But both models have been in since release, and if nothing else, compared to a lot of other stuff we're seeing in-game they're poly-count is really quite low.
In all honesty, some of my complaints about travel form rise from the fact that I'm colour-blind [anomalous trichromancy, protanomaly for those curious]. It's not a huge deal as in a lot of games, WoW especially, it doesn't effect too much of the gameplay for me. I don't turn on WoW's colour-blind mode, for one thing. It does make Audiosurf a bit harder than it has to be though. And obviously, some of the more red-tinged zones tend to give me a bit of difficulty [Badlands, and Hellfire I'm looking at you], but I've adapted. Interestingly, it also seems to affect some forms of yellow as well. Not entirely sure if that's normal, but c'est la vie. That does cause some other interesting interactions though. Gathering in Badlands is doubly hard, if using the minimap to notice nodes. And seeing where I am on my screen while in Travel Form and in Azshara... I've been told by others that they've lost track of themselves momentarily there due to the camouflage tendencies of the cheetah pattern against the yellow ground with high vegetation. I pretty much have to shift out and cast a spell to find myself.
In other games I'd have an easy choice. I'd either stop playing the game, muddle through [I'm an exceptionally stubborn individual], or modify/replace whatever model was the root of the problem. While not the easiest thing to do in a lot of games, it's not all that hard to figure out. Thanks to the internet, if I can't figure out how to do something, about five minutes of looking on Google, not only will I have found thirty people who know how, but whom have done it better than myself. I have very little graphical talent, so if I've gone the route of model-editing over model-swapping, I usually end up going to these resources anyways.
WoW, however is a special case. There's plenty of models to choose from. If I wanted Aquatic Form to look like a makrura or a grouper, I could. If I wanted Travel Form to look like Ashtail or a different cat model, I could. It wouldn't even be very hard compared to some of the model swaps I've done in the past. But there's a caveat. I could change the Travel Form model [and incidentally have all mobs that use the model look like whatever I switched it to as well] but I won't. Blizzard's Terms of Use [You know, that thing that you don't read and you click the button that says you agree to?] disallows model swapping; "You agree that you will not, under any circumstances: ... D. modify or cause to be modified any files that are a part of the Game Client or the Service in any way not expressly authorized by Blizzard;". In other words, if I model swap, I run the risk of having my account shut down. No, thank you. I'll struggle on.
Also, as others have pointed out to me, I'm sure a redesign on Travel/Aquatic Forms [and hopefully Moonkin as well, though that's a form I don't use and thus have no opinion on] are in the works, though probably not even middling in their priorities. Soon™
Before I get started, I should also mention that this is pretty much an "Accentuate the Negative" post. While I am complaining here, I'd like it to be clear that I do like WoW, and druids, and all their capacity for shapeshifting. It's the models that I have some issue with. The models for Travel Form and Aquatic Form, specifically. In and of themselves, they're perfectly cromulent models, and they're incredibly useful spells. But they're bland.
Perhaps they only seem bland because of the semi-recent changes to Cat Form and Bear Forms, and all the variety that they offer, but my point remains. They're bland. Travel Form is the greater offender in this case, since the model for that spell is actually a placeholder. Travel Form was originally going to be a stag, but they put in the cheetah model we know and love [and we do love it] as a placeholder in beta to be changed later. It's been three expansions. But both models have been in since release, and if nothing else, compared to a lot of other stuff we're seeing in-game they're poly-count is really quite low.
In all honesty, some of my complaints about travel form rise from the fact that I'm colour-blind [anomalous trichromancy, protanomaly for those curious]. It's not a huge deal as in a lot of games, WoW especially, it doesn't effect too much of the gameplay for me. I don't turn on WoW's colour-blind mode, for one thing. It does make Audiosurf a bit harder than it has to be though. And obviously, some of the more red-tinged zones tend to give me a bit of difficulty [Badlands, and Hellfire I'm looking at you], but I've adapted. Interestingly, it also seems to affect some forms of yellow as well. Not entirely sure if that's normal, but c'est la vie. That does cause some other interesting interactions though. Gathering in Badlands is doubly hard, if using the minimap to notice nodes. And seeing where I am on my screen while in Travel Form and in Azshara... I've been told by others that they've lost track of themselves momentarily there due to the camouflage tendencies of the cheetah pattern against the yellow ground with high vegetation. I pretty much have to shift out and cast a spell to find myself.
In other games I'd have an easy choice. I'd either stop playing the game, muddle through [I'm an exceptionally stubborn individual], or modify/replace whatever model was the root of the problem. While not the easiest thing to do in a lot of games, it's not all that hard to figure out. Thanks to the internet, if I can't figure out how to do something, about five minutes of looking on Google, not only will I have found thirty people who know how, but whom have done it better than myself. I have very little graphical talent, so if I've gone the route of model-editing over model-swapping, I usually end up going to these resources anyways.
WoW, however is a special case. There's plenty of models to choose from. If I wanted Aquatic Form to look like a makrura or a grouper, I could. If I wanted Travel Form to look like Ashtail or a different cat model, I could. It wouldn't even be very hard compared to some of the model swaps I've done in the past. But there's a caveat. I could change the Travel Form model [and incidentally have all mobs that use the model look like whatever I switched it to as well] but I won't. Blizzard's Terms of Use [You know, that thing that you don't read and you click the button that says you agree to?] disallows model swapping; "You agree that you will not, under any circumstances: ... D. modify or cause to be modified any files that are a part of the Game Client or the Service in any way not expressly authorized by Blizzard;". In other words, if I model swap, I run the risk of having my account shut down. No, thank you. I'll struggle on.
Also, as others have pointed out to me, I'm sure a redesign on Travel/Aquatic Forms [and hopefully Moonkin as well, though that's a form I don't use and thus have no opinion on] are in the works, though probably not even middling in their priorities. Soon™
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Lord Magmathar hates archaeologists!
I've decided to take some ... creative liberties ... with my pre-posted posts. That is to say, I'm going to be editing them to be a bit more bloggy, and leave out some unnecessary details. I did some minor editing to the first post, but this is going to be a bit more comprehensive. This one is going to combine my 20-25 & 25-30 posts.
Upon reaching 25, my /played was 16 hours, 59 minutes, 10 seconds [so 20 to 25 took about six and a half hours]
Initial impressions... This was a lot more challenging than I thought it was going to be, though only 2 deaths total. Also, Archaeology as a druid is kind of weird. I can survey in kitty/travel [and I'm assuming flight once I get it] form but when I go to loot the relic I get shifted out into caster form.
Started off my Arch/gathering in Eastern Kingdoms which turned out to not be so smart. That continent has to cater to essentially three locales for it's initial digsites due to how spread out the undead, human, and dwarf/gnome starter zones are. My choice of zones were initially 2 in Hillsbrad, 1 in Wetlands, and 1 in Redridge. I managed to finish up 3 digsites, before it became obvious that this continent was a bad idea. My locations were Redridge, Hillsbrad, and Duskwood.
Also, just to finish those three digsites, I had to fight through every inch of ground, with the lowest level mob I fought in them being 24 [Being only level 20 myself at the time], and often more than one at a time. I managed to get a full level out of those three sites.
I then switched over to Kalimdor like a good little Hordie. Most of my experience is, as a surprise to no-one, coming from herbing/mining and defending myself so I can get those nodes. I did end up completing two quests at 24 though.
At various digsites in Ashenvale, I was assaulted by Ursangous and Sharptalon, whom when you kill them drop quest-starter items. I turned those quests in for 2535xp [Ursangous] and 2405xp [Sharptalon] respectively. Each of those quests accounted for about 11% [22% total] of level 24.
At this point in this experiment I was pretty much bleeding money, thanks to training all my new skills and selling my herbs/rocks on a separate toon. Overall, I am enjoying myself though. I fully expect to be broke when I go hit town though, thanks to the joys of glyphs and gear upgrades
In between the 20-25 & 25-30 updates, I replied to some comments in the thread about mod suggestions, my self-hatred/insanity, and answered a couple questions. I also posted a mini-update of video footage of this process that I had uploaded to youtube. Due to youtube's time limitations on videos it had to be split into two parts which can be found here and here. Apologies in advance if you live in Germany. While recording it picked up the music stream I was listening to in the background, which caught me by surprise. Content ID matches on some of the songs have led to the videos being blocked in Germany.
Level 30!
Nothing too remarkable about the 25-30 leveling gap, though my death rate increased five-fold. Which is to say that 20-25 I died twice, and I died at least ten times this section. As a bonus these deaths were exclusively from the Stonetalon dig sites. One falling death up near the northern end, and nine deaths from the Grimtotem & alliance guards by the dig site near Malaka'jin.
Level 30 did unlock some new dig sites for me. No longer am I constrained to just Ashenvale, Azshara and Stonetalon Mountains! It gave me at least two more zones to dig in; Desolace and Southern Barrens. The astute viewer of the screen shot below will also notice that the Night Elf relic in progress is the Druid and Priest Statue Set. This is one of the few relics I have yet to complete on my main [/fistshake] and it will be Leeloo's first rare.
The title for this post was inspired by a comment from Chawa of The Wayward Initiative.
Upon reaching 25, my /played was 16 hours, 59 minutes, 10 seconds [so 20 to 25 took about six and a half hours]
Initial impressions... This was a lot more challenging than I thought it was going to be, though only 2 deaths total. Also, Archaeology as a druid is kind of weird. I can survey in kitty/travel [and I'm assuming flight once I get it] form but when I go to loot the relic I get shifted out into caster form.
Started off my Arch/gathering in Eastern Kingdoms which turned out to not be so smart. That continent has to cater to essentially three locales for it's initial digsites due to how spread out the undead, human, and dwarf/gnome starter zones are. My choice of zones were initially 2 in Hillsbrad, 1 in Wetlands, and 1 in Redridge. I managed to finish up 3 digsites, before it became obvious that this continent was a bad idea. My locations were Redridge, Hillsbrad, and Duskwood.
Also, just to finish those three digsites, I had to fight through every inch of ground, with the lowest level mob I fought in them being 24 [Being only level 20 myself at the time], and often more than one at a time. I managed to get a full level out of those three sites.
I then switched over to Kalimdor like a good little Hordie. Most of my experience is, as a surprise to no-one, coming from herbing/mining and defending myself so I can get those nodes. I did end up completing two quests at 24 though.
At various digsites in Ashenvale, I was assaulted by Ursangous and Sharptalon, whom when you kill them drop quest-starter items. I turned those quests in for 2535xp [Ursangous] and 2405xp [Sharptalon] respectively. Each of those quests accounted for about 11% [22% total] of level 24.
At this point in this experiment I was pretty much bleeding money, thanks to training all my new skills and selling my herbs/rocks on a separate toon. Overall, I am enjoying myself though. I fully expect to be broke when I go hit town though, thanks to the joys of glyphs and gear upgrades
In between the 20-25 & 25-30 updates, I replied to some comments in the thread about mod suggestions, my self-hatred/insanity, and answered a couple questions. I also posted a mini-update of video footage of this process that I had uploaded to youtube. Due to youtube's time limitations on videos it had to be split into two parts which can be found here and here. Apologies in advance if you live in Germany. While recording it picked up the music stream I was listening to in the background, which caught me by surprise. Content ID matches on some of the songs have led to the videos being blocked in Germany.
Level 30!
Nothing too remarkable about the 25-30 leveling gap, though my death rate increased five-fold. Which is to say that 20-25 I died twice, and I died at least ten times this section. As a bonus these deaths were exclusively from the Stonetalon dig sites. One falling death up near the northern end, and nine deaths from the Grimtotem & alliance guards by the dig site near Malaka'jin.
Level 30 did unlock some new dig sites for me. No longer am I constrained to just Ashenvale, Azshara and Stonetalon Mountains! It gave me at least two more zones to dig in; Desolace and Southern Barrens. The astute viewer of the screen shot below will also notice that the Night Elf relic in progress is the Druid and Priest Statue Set. This is one of the few relics I have yet to complete on my main [/fistshake] and it will be Leeloo's first rare.
The title for this post was inspired by a comment from Chawa of The Wayward Initiative.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
BAD IDEA (Take Two)
This post, as well as the next couple, actually started off as a post on my guild's forums on the 15th. A little over a week later (that is, today) it occurred to me that given what I'm doing, a blog would actually probably be a better idea, as well as allowing me to write about other things without having to start up a new post, or leave it buried in a thread that nobody reads. Now it can be in a blog that nobody reads!
Original post follows:
So... I had an idea pop around my head the other day. Now, as ideas go, this one is pretty shit. But it won't go away. I know myself well enough to know that if I don't follow through on this it's going to nag at me for a long time.
The plan is this: level to 85 ONLY from archaeology, gathering, and defending myself from the mobs I aggro in pursuit of the first two.
Originally, the plan was 5-85, but arch can't be picked up until 20 apparently.
To help reduce how much I die, every five levels, starting at 25 I will raid the auction house for the best purchasable gear I can find - on that trip. No going back after switching to send myself some gold.
And on the note of gold, this will be funded solely from vendor trash, most notably the recently buffed sell prices of relics. All herbs and minerals will be mailed off to my bank alt for separate processing.
Like I said... It's a bad idea. One likely to drive me insane.
Well.... MORE insane. =p
I'll also be updating this post, every 5 levels with screenshots much like the first one below.
Oh, and one thing I forgot to include in the screenshot was my /played, which at time of this posting is 0 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes, 26 seconds.
Original post follows:
So... I had an idea pop around my head the other day. Now, as ideas go, this one is pretty shit. But it won't go away. I know myself well enough to know that if I don't follow through on this it's going to nag at me for a long time.
The plan is this: level to 85 ONLY from archaeology, gathering, and defending myself from the mobs I aggro in pursuit of the first two.
Originally, the plan was 5-85, but arch can't be picked up until 20 apparently.
To help reduce how much I die, every five levels, starting at 25 I will raid the auction house for the best purchasable gear I can find - on that trip. No going back after switching to send myself some gold.
And on the note of gold, this will be funded solely from vendor trash, most notably the recently buffed sell prices of relics. All herbs and minerals will be mailed off to my bank alt for separate processing.
Like I said... It's a bad idea. One likely to drive me insane.
Well.... MORE insane. =p
I'll also be updating this post, every 5 levels with screenshots much like the first one below.
Oh, and one thing I forgot to include in the screenshot was my /played, which at time of this posting is 0 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes, 26 seconds.
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